Welcome ! This site reflects my soul wanderings as experienced during deep meditation from Japan to Siberia - China - Tibet - Mongolia - Korea - Vietnam - Indonesia - Malaysia - Cambodia - Siam - India - Persia - the Silk Road - the Middle East - Yemen - Arabia to its westernmost point in Russia - the Caucasus and Turkey ..
प्यार और शांति - Love & Peace,
China- Bharat-Arabia-Caucasus-Turkey
Pali- पाली - پالی -პალი-пали
Aad Guray Nameh - Snatam Kaur
Aad Guray Nameh, Jugaad Guray Nameh, Sat Guray Nameh,
Siri Guroo Dayvay Nameh -
Is the Mangala Charn Mantra, and is chanted for protection.
It surrounds the magnetic field with protective light.
Aad Guray Nameh (I bow to the Primal Source of Creation)
Jugaad Guray Nameh (I bow to Creation woven throughout time.)
Sat Guray Nameh (I bow to the True Source of Creation,
the true identity of self) -
Siri Guru Devay Nameh (I bow to Creation whose Great Glory will always be)
Guru: that which brings us from darkness (Gu) to light (Ru).
I bow to the primal Source of Creation,
to the truth that has existed throughout the ages
True Wisdom and the Great Divine Wisdom
Born in Cologne, Germany in 1956, Karunesh released his first album 'Sounds of the Heart' in 1984, which quickly became a classic in the New Age genre.
Traditional China - WUWU Channel - youTube (to stop the background music press the left stop/play button)
Beloved Friends, come with us on an exciting oriental journey, a journey through time and space ...
Magic Makers and Dreamweavers - turn your dreams into reality
Meditation - Oriental Wisdom - become one with this enchanted world
Your spiritual Transformation of Love - Peace - Tranquility begins NOW
Visit us - Join us be a part of the Toki experience
The NEW YOU is emerging - you will never be the same - follow us !
"The Lord illumined the hearts of the pious with the light of certainty that gave them the vision
to comprehend the light of all the faiths of the world.-
-Abu'I-Hasan, "The Kashf al-Mahjub"
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site under construction - updates in progress - please visit us soon again !
Welcome to Ginot Toki - Enchanted Oriental Way of Life and Transformation - Home Coming and Soul Wanderings